About us

Dr. A. Kildos clinic in Kaunas, which provides private primary and secondary level outpatient personal health care services, started its activity back in 2002.

Take care of your health now!

Dr. A. Kildos klinikoje teikiamos privačios asmens sveikatos priežiūros paslaugos. Klinikoje konsultuoja daugiau nei 20 skirtingų  specializacijų gydytojų, atliekami įvairūs instrumentiniai tyrimai (endoskopijos, videonistagmografijos, impedansometrijos, audiometrijos, spirometrijos tyrimai, atliekamos echoskopijos ir kt.) taip pat klinikoje veikia laboratorija.

Information about the services provided and registration with specialists is available both by phone +370 37338 286 and online 


Highly qualified doctors with many years of clinical experience work in the clinic

In case of difficulties - we are always ready to help you!


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We invite active, motivated, ambitious people to join our team

Book an appointment

Register online yourself from home - it's more convenient, safer, and you'll save your time and ours.