Instrumentiniai tyrimai tai tam tikri diagnostikos metodai, naudojantys įvairius medicininius prietaisus ir technologijas, siekiant įvertinti vidinius organus, audinius ir funkcijas. Šie tyrimai yra labai svarbūs medicinoje, nes jie leidžia gauti vizualinę, struktūrinę ir funkcinę informaciją apie kūno būklę, kurios negalima gauti tik iš klinikinio įvertinimo ir laboratorinių tyrimų.

Services price list

Name of the servicePrice €
Videogastroscopy* 95
Anesteziologinė pagalba videogastroskopijos metu 90
Videocolonoscopy* 140
Anesteziologinė pagalba videokolonoskopijos metu 100
Videoigmoidoscopy* 65
Rectoscopy 50
Videogastroscopy and videocolonoscopy* 220
Anesteziologinė pagalba videogastroskopijos ir kolonoskopijos metu 150
Anoscopy 50
* Už papildomą mokestį, tyrimai gali būti atliekami taikant anesteziologinę pagalbą

The prices on this page are for informational purposes only.
The clinic reserves the right to change service prices, provide new services or stop providing some services without separate notice.

Name of the servicePrice €
Complete echoscopic examination of women (thyroid, breast, liver, gall bladder, adrenal gland, pancreas, spleen, kidney, bladder, axillary lymph nodes 110
Complete echoscopic examination of men (thyroid, liver, adrenal gland, gall bladder, pancreas, spleen, kidney, bladder, prostate, residual urine) 110
Abdominal echoscopy (liver, pancreas, gallbladder, spleen, abdominal aorta, kidney, adrenal gland, bladder) 70
Single-leg (or hand) vein echoscopy 25
Hepatopancreatic system sonography (liver, pancreas, gallbladder, spleen) 45
Echoscopy of the urological system (kidney, adrenal gland, bladder) 45
Echoscopy of urological system (kidney, adrenal gland, bladder, prostate, residual urine) 50
Complex echoscopy with abdominal and cavity sensors (kidney, adrenal gland, bladder, prostate, testis, residual urine) 60
Thyroid and cervical lymph node echoscopy 50
Ultrasound-guided aspiration biopsy of the thyroid 60
Echoscopy of breast and armpit lymph nodes 55
Biopsy with thin needle in ultrasound control 65
Single-joint echoscopy (atlieka tik gyd. E. Keleras) 45
Two-joint echoscopy (performed only by doctor E. Keleras) (atlieka tik gyd. E. Keleras) 65
Three-joint echoscopy (performed only by doctor E. Keleras) (atlieka tik gyd. E. Keleras) 85
Single small derivate's ultrasound 24
Neck blood flow echoscopy (atlieka tik gyd. V. Eimontas ir gyd. med. dr. G. Stankevičienė) 55
Single-organ echoscopy 30
Kūdikių klubų sąnarių echoskopija (atlieka tik gyd. L. Pileckienė) 50
1-os srities periferinių limfmazgių echoskopija 45
Echoscopy of peripheral lymph nodes (neck, supraclavicular, nasal, groin) 70

The prices on this page are for informational purposes only.
The clinic reserves the right to change service prices, provide new services or stop providing some services without separate notice.

Name of the servicePrice €
Unidirectional radiograph 14
Two-way radiograph 23
Two-way radiographs (both palms, feet, ankles) 38
X-ray description (one area) 15
X-ray description (one area), urgent (within 1 hour) 20
X-rays of the breast (mammography)
Two-way mammograms of one breast 20
Description of single breast mammograms 15
Two-way mammograms of both breasts 35
Description of both breast mammograms 20
Other services
Saving X-ray images to a USB storage device 10
Family doctor's consultation regarding referral for X-ray examination 15
In accordance with the Lithuanian hygiene norm HN 73:2018 "Basic radiation protection norms", approved by the Minister of Health of the Republic of Lithuania in 2001. December 21 by order no. 663 (wording of Order No. V-886 of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Lithuania of August 3, 2018), X-ray examinations are performed only with a doctor's referral.

The prices on this page are for informational purposes only.
The clinic reserves the right to change service prices, provide new services or stop providing some services without separate notice.

Name of the servicePrice €
Gydytojo konsultacija į tyrimų kainą nėra įskaičiuota
Impedancemetry 25
Audiometry 35
Endoscope diagnostics of vocal cord dysfunction 29
Endoscopic diagnosis of the nose, sinuses and throat 40
Videonystagmography 90
Investigation of the listening tube function 15
Cleaning of the postoperative ear cavity 50
Otoacoustic emission test 30
Wideband tympanometry 30

The prices on this page are for informational purposes only.
The clinic reserves the right to change service prices, provide new services or stop providing some services without separate notice.