Urology studies the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the urinary tract in men and women and disorders of the male reproductive system. The most common diseases in women are inflammation of the bladder, urinary incontinence, and urinary tract infection. The main reason for complaints of men who consult a urologist is various diseases related to the prostate. Accurate diagnosis of diseases is helped by detailed, laboratory, echoscopic tests, measurement of urine flow rate.

Services price list

Name of the servicePrice €
Initial consultation 80
Reconsultation for the same problem within a month 60
Initial K. Vaičiūnas consultation (doctor's degree) 105
Reconsultation K. Vaičiūnas(doctor's degree) for the same problem within a month 70
Remote reconsultation 40

The prices on this page are for informational purposes only.
The clinic reserves the right to change service prices, provide new services or stop providing some services without separate notice.

Name of the servicePrice €
Gydytojo konsultacija į tyrimų kainą neįskaičiuota
Echoscopy of the urological system (kidney, adrenal gland, bladder) 45
Echoscopy of urological system (kidney, adrenal gland, bladder, prostate, residual urine) 50
Complex echoscopy with abdominal and cavity sensors (kidney, adrenal gland, bladder, prostate, testis, residual urine) 60
Uroflowmetry 25
Bladder catheterization 30
Prostate massage 20
Picking up the prostate secretion 8
Smear taking 4

The prices on this page are for informational purposes only.
The clinic reserves the right to change service prices, provide new services or stop providing some services without separate notice.

Name of the servicePrice €
Gydytojo konsultacija į procedūrų kainą neįskaičiuota
Circumcision 500
Frenulotomy, frenuloplasty 550
Hydrocele surgery 650
Changing the nephrostomy drainage tube (without disposable devices and medications) 150
Disposable devices and medications 40

The prices on this page are for informational purposes only.
The clinic reserves the right to change service prices, provide new services or stop providing some services without separate notice.