Otorhinolaryngology is a field, also known as ENT, which focuses on diseases of the ears, nose, pharynx and larynx.

Otorhinolaryngologists consult and treat patients with diseases of the nose, ears, pharynx, larynx and vocal cords: sinusitis, ear infections, sore throats, angina (tonsillitis), pharyngitis, allergic rhinitis, hearing disorders, dizziness, balance and coordination disorders.

Services price list

Name of the servicePrice €
Initial consultation 80
Initial consultation (profesor) 90
Initial consultation (doctor's degree) 90
Reconsultation for the same problem within a month 60
Reconsultation (profesor) for the same problem within a month 60
Remote reconsultation 40

The prices on this page are for informational purposes only.
The clinic reserves the right to change service prices, provide new services or stop providing some services without separate notice.

Name of the servicePrice €
Gydytojo konsultacija į tyrimų kainą nėra įskaičiuota
Impedancemetry 25
Audiometry 35
Endoscope diagnostics of vocal cord dysfunction 29
Endoscopic diagnosis of the nose, sinuses and throat 40
Videonystagmography 90
Investigation of the listening tube function 15
Cleaning of the postoperative ear cavity 50
Otoacoustic emission test 30
Wideband tympanometry 30

The prices on this page are for informational purposes only.
The clinic reserves the right to change service prices, provide new services or stop providing some services without separate notice.

Name of the servicePrice €
Gydytojo konsultacija į procedūrų kainą neįskaičiuota
Sulfur stopper removal 10
Vacuuming of the ear secretions 20
Ear flushing with Ear Popper 10
Stopping bleeding in the nose or throat (tampons) 20
Removal of foreign body from nose, pharynx, ear 60
Burning of the nasal blood vessels in the mucosa with silver nitrate 20
Cleaning of the postoperative ear cavity 50
Medicinal application 15
Restorative crystal maneuvers 20
Taking a biopsy* 35
Pathological examination of biopsy 45
* The price does not include the pathological examination of the material

The prices on this page are for informational purposes only.
The clinic reserves the right to change service prices, provide new services or stop providing some services without separate notice.


LOR tyrimai: kas tiriama endoskopinių tyrimų metu?

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Kada kreiptis pas LOR gydytoją?

Įvairios ausų ligos kankina skirtingo amžiaus gyventojus: nuo pačių mažiausių iki senjorų. Dažnai pacientai pajutę pirmuosius nusiskundimus – laiku nesikreipia pagalbos pas LOR gydytoją, todėl ir tam tikrų ausų

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