Laboratoriniai tyrimai yra neatsiejama sveikatos priežiūros, ligų prevencijos, visuomenės sveikatos dalis, kadangi jie padeda gydytojams tiksliai nustatyti diagnozes, paskirti reikiamą gydymą bei stebėti jo efektyvumą ir ligos eigą. Tačiau laboratoriniai tyrimai ne retai atliekami ir profilaktikos tikslais.  Profilaktiškai atliekami tyrimai gali padėti užkirsti kelią tam tikrų ligų progresavimui ar komplikacijoms. Taip pat laboratoriniai tyrimai padeda stebėti bei valdyti infekcinių ligų plitimą, greitai nustatyti infekcijos sukėlėjus.

Dr. A. Kildos klinikoje turime itin platų laboratorinių tyrimų pasirinkimą. Mūsų tikslas – tyrimų rezultatų tikslumas.

Ankstyva diagnostika – raktas į sveiką ateitį!

Services price list

Name of the servicePrice €
Bendras baltymas (TP) 7
Cryoglobulins 7
Potassium (K) 7
Sodium (Na) 7
Calcium (Ca) 7
Ionized calcium (Ca++) assays total protein and Ca together 9
Iron (Fe) 8
Magnesium (Mg) 8
Phosphorus (P) 8
Heavy metals: Pb, Cr, Hg, Ni, Al, Cu, Sn, Ag, Au, Selenium, et al. (each) 55
Zinc (Zn) 15
Ferritin (FERRI) 16
Glucose (GLU) 7
Glucose Tolerance TEST 12
Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) 12
C peptide 19
Urine (UREA) 7
Creatinine (CREA) 7
Uric Acid (UA) 7
Troponin 25
Digoxin 19
Lipazė (LIP) 9
Alfa amilazė (AMYL) 9
Pankreatinė amilazė (P-AMYL) 14
Gamaglutamiltransferazė (GGT) 8
Asparataminotransferazė (AST) 7
Alaninaminotransferazė (ALT) 7
Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) 7
Total Bilirubin (BIL-T) 7
Direct Bilirubin (BIL-D) 7
Cholesterol (CHOL) 7
Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) 14
High Density Cholesterol (HDL) 7
Chlorine (CL) 7
Triglycerides (TG) 7
Lipidograma (CHOL, HDL, LDL, TG) 13
Kreatinkinazė (CK) 7
Cholinesterazė (CHE) 7
Albumin 7
Albumino/kreatinino santykis šlapime (apskaičiuojamas) 19
C-reactive protein (CRP) 15
CRB skubus (Tik prisirašiusiems pacientams su šeimos gydytojo paskyrimu) 5
Determination of protein C concentration 60
Determination of protein S concentration 60
Transferinas (TRANS) 14
Soluble receptors for transferrin 26
Folio rūgštis 28
Ammonia 55
Homocysteine 38
Histamine 40
Valproinė rūgštis 30
Vitaminas D (25-OH) 20
Vitamin B12 28
Vitamin B6 50
Vitamin A (Retinol) 50
Vitamin 1,25-(OH)2-D3 60
Ceruloplazmin 20
Kasos elastazės kiekybinis nustatymas išmatose 60

Name of the servicePrice €
General picture of blood 10
Additional blood microscopic examination 4
Determination of blood group and Rh 15
Determination of anti-Rh antibodies 14
Smear staining and microscopy 15
Oncocytological smear 19
Oncocytological smear in liquid media 40
Sperm test 55
Postcoital test 12
Cyntec Plus 75
Urine test 7
Microscopy of urine 4
Microalbumin in urine 10
Urine pregnancy test 5
Pathological examination 45
Skin biopsies, histological examination of the mole 45
Histological examination of operative material 50
Cytopathological examination of punctate 30
Cytopathological examination of punctate in liquid media 45
Determination of biological paternity (for 2 persons) 320
Determination of biological paternity (for 1 person) 160
Coprological test 9
Research on smallpox 7
IFOB | A test to detect occult bleeding 9
Taking blood from a vein 4
Taking blood from a vein for a baby up to 1 year old. 15
Detection of H. Pylori antigen in feces 15
Calprotectin 20
Glomerulų filtracijos greitis (išskaičiuojamas, atliekamas kartu su kreatinino tyrimu (kreatinino kaina - 7 eur.) 5

Name of the servicePrice €
Thyroxine (T4) 14
Thyroid stimulating hormone (TTH/TSH) 7
Antibodies against TSH receptors (Anti - TSHR) 30
Free triiodothyronine (FT3) 10
Free thyroxine (FT4) 10
Antibodies against thyroid peroxidase (ATPO) 14
Thyroglobulin (Tg) 16
Anti-thyroglobulin antibodies (Anti-Tg) 18
Parathyroid hormone (PTH) 18
Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) 12
Luteinizing hormone (LH) 12
Prolactin (PR) 12
Progesterone (PRG) 14
Estradiol (E2) 14
Testosterone (T) 14
Cortisol (COR) 14
Adrenaline 70
Noradrenaline 70
Renin 39
Adrenocorticotropic hormone ACTH 19
Antimular hormone (AMH) 47
DHT (dehydrotestosterone) 47
Insulin 19
Somatotropic hormone (STH) 19
17 Hydroxyprogesterone 28
Sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) 16
First trimester (12-14 weeks) PRISCA 58
Second trimester of pregnancy (18-19 weeks) PRISCA 48
Aldosterone 39
Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulphate (DHEA-S) 16
HCG (chorionic donadotropin, pregnancy marker) 16
β Chorionic gonadotropin (β-HCG) 29
Free Chorionic Gonadotropin f-HCG 30
IGF-1 32
Nephrines (free methanephrine, free normethanephrine) 85
Alpha-fetaprotein (AFP) liver, testicular cancer marker 16
Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), (intestine, liver, breast) 20
Carbohydrate Antigen (CA-15-3), (Breast Cancer) 20
Carbohydrate antigen (CA 19-9), (intestine, pancreas, liver, ovary) 20
Carbohydrate antigen (CA 125, ovarian epithelial cells) 20
Pro Gastrin Relize Propetide ProGRP (Lung Cancer Marker) 35
CA 72-4 Stomach Cancer marker 18
P1NP (Prostate, Breast Cancer Metast.) 49
HE4 (Ovarian Cancer) 40
Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) 14
Free prostate-specific antigen 18
Tumor M2-PK (Pyruvate Kinase) 49
TPA (tumor specific polypeptide antigen) 37
Melanoma marker S100 38
CYFRA 21-1 24
N-mid - Osteocalcin (Ca metabolism marker - osteoblast function) 20
CrossLaps (Ca metabolism marker - osteoblast function) 25
Chromograninas A 57
The prices on this page are for informational purposes only. The clinic reserves the right to change service prices, provide new services or stop providing some services without separate notice.

Name of the servicePrice €
Prothrombin complex assay (SPA) 8
Partial Activated Thromboplastin Time (DATL, APTT) 9
Antibodies to β2-glycoprotein 1 (anti-β2-GP 1) 25
APC-R (Activated Protein C Resistance Assay), Leiden Factor 30
Antibodies to cardiolipin AKA 28
Fibrinogen 10
D dimers 25
Lupus anticoagulant LA 1 (primarily LA 1 only) 59
Lupus anticoagulant LA 2 (if LA 1 positive, do LA 2) 49

Name of the servicePrice €
HBsAg (Hepatitis B surface antigen) 14
Anti Hbc Common (Hepatitis B Cores a/b) 14
Anti Hbc IgM (Hepatitis B Core a/b IgM) 16
Hbe (Hepatitis B e antigen) 12
Anti Hbe (hepatitis B e a/b) 12
AntiHBs quantitative (hepatitis B surface antigen a/b) 28
Anti HAV IgM (Hepatitis A antibodies) 20
Anti HCV (Hepatitis C a/b) 20
Anti Delta Common (Hepatitis D a/b) 12
Anti HSV1 IgG (a-HHV1:herpes lab.,stomatitis, conjuctivitis) 25
Anti HSV1 IgM (a-HHV1:herpes lab.,stomatitis, conjuctivitis) 25
Anti HSV2 IgG ((a-HHV2: herpes genitalis/neonatorum)  ELISA 16
Detection of Herpes SV1 and SV2 IgM (common to both types) 20
Detection of Herpes SV1 and SV2 IgG (common to both types) 20
Anti Varicella Zoster IgG ((a-HHV3: chickenpox / herpes zoster) 24
Anti Varicella Zoster IgM ((a-HHV3: chickenpox / herpes zoster) 16
Anti-EBV IgM (g-HHV4: Infectious Mononucleosis), ELISA 18
Anti-EBV IgG (g-HHV4: Infectious Mononucleosis), ELISA 18
Anti CMV IgG (b-HHV5: cytomegalovirus a/b), ELISA 24
Anti CMV IgM (b-HHV5: cytomegalovirus a/b), ELISA 29
Anti Rubella IgG, ELIZA 20
Anti Rubella IgM 20
Anti TBE (FSME) IgG,  ELISA 19
Anti TBE (FSME) IgM,  ELISA 19
Anti Borrelia burgdorferi IgG, ELISA 19
Anti Borrelia burgdorferi IgM, ELISA 20
Anti Borrelia burgdorferi IgG (Western blot) 42
Anti Borrelia burgdorferi IgM (Western blot) 42
Anti Toxo IgG, ELISA 15
Anti Toxo IgM, ELISA 15
Anti Toxo IgA, ELISA 16
Anti Toxo IgG Avidity, ELISA 39
Anti Chlamydia pneumoniae IgM, ELISA 16
Anti Chlamydia pneumoniae IgG, ELISA 16
Anti Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgM, ELISA 16
Anti Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgG, ELISA 16
Quanti feron TB Gold test 65
Anti Morbilli IgG (Measles) 14
Anti Morbilli IgM (Measles) 14
Anti Bordetella pertussis IgG (pertussis) 17
Anti Bordetella pertussis IgA (pertussis) 25
Anti Helicobacter pylori IgG 20
Anti Toxocara canis IgG,  ELISA 19
Anti Chlamydia trachomatis IgA, ELISA 19
Anti Chlamydia trachomatis IgG Elisa 19
Anti Chlamydia trachomatis IgM Elisa 19
Anti ŽIV ½ 3 gen su ŽIV 1 O,  ELISA 20
Anti Yersinia enterocolitica IgA 20
Anti Yersinia enterocolitica IgG 20
Antibodies against Trichinella 19
Antibodies to IgG against Aden virus 20
ŽIV1/2 12
Quantification of anti-RBD SARS-CoV-2 (coronavirus) IgG antibodies 19
IgG klasės antikūnai prieš Parvo virusą 19
IgM klasės antikūnai prieš Parvo virusą 23

Name of the servicePrice €
HLA B27 (Bechterew's disease) 33
Determination of immunoglobulin A concentration 14
Determination of immunoglobulin M concentration 14
Determination of immunoglobulin G concentration 14
Quantification of rheumatoid factor 15
Detection of IgG antibodies to gliadin 23
Detection of IgA antibodies to gliadin 23
Determination of antistreptolysin O (ASLO) 20
Anti-glutamine transaminase IgA (for celiac disease) Anti-tTG-IgA 28
Anti-glutamine transaminase IgG (for celiac disease) Anti-tTG-IgG 28
Tests' complex for the detection of celiac disease 80
Antibodies against nuclear antigens ANA 19
Antibodies against neutrophil cytoplasmic antigens ANCA 28
Antibodies against mitochondrial antigens AMA 30
Antibodies against cyclic citrulline peptide (Anti-CCP) 23
An extractable nuclear antigen (ENA) 79
Antibodies against glutamic acid decarboxylase (Anti-GAD) 30
Insuline autoantibodies (IAA) 26
Antibodies against double-stranded DNA (Anti-dsDNA) 19
Complement C3 26
Complement C4 26
Complement C1 esterase inhibitor 25
Antibodies against deamidated gliadin protein epitopes IgG (Anti-DGP-IgG) 14
Antibodies against deamidated gliadin protein epitopes IgA (Anti-DGP-IgA) 14

Name of the servicePrice €
Microbial culture in the media 28
Sperm culture 30
PCR 4 sexually transmitted infections 42
PCR 7 sexually transmitted infections 62
PCR 10 sexually transmitted infections 78
Chlamydia trachomatis PCR 24
Mycoplasma hominis PCR 24
Mycoplasma genitalium PCR (urine) 24
Trichomonas vaginalis PCR 24
Gardnerella vaginalis PCR 24
Candida albicans PCR 24
Herpes Simplex virus (SV1/2) PCR 24
Detection of mycoplasmas (u.parvum; u.urealyticum; m.hominis; m.genitalium) 40
Ureaplasma spp. (ureaplasma parvum + ureaplasma urealyticum) 30
Neisseria gonorrhoeae PCR 24
Mycoplasma hom. and Ureaplasma spp. and antibiotic susceptibility testing 30
Bakterinės vaginozės nustatymas (PGR) (Gardnerella vaginalis, Atopobium vaginae, Lactobacillus spp) 45
HPV: 16, 18 (2 high-risk genotypes) 35
HPV: 16, 18, 45 genotyping and 11 high- risk genotyping (31,33,35,39,51,52,56,58,59,66,68) 40
HPV 14 high-risk genotyping by PCR method (16,18,31,33,35,39,45,51,52,56,58,59,66,68) 45
HPV 21 high-risk genotyping (6,11,16,18,26,31,33,35,39,44,45,51,52,53,56,58,59,66,68,73,82) 55

Name of the servicePrice €
Immunoglobuline E (IgE) 16
One allergen 15
One allergen component 21
Set of 20 inhaled allergens with dandelion (set 3111) 46
Set of 20 inhaled allergens with feather mix (set 3110) 46
Set of 58 inhaled allergens (set 3119) 56
Set of 61 inhaled allergens (set 3111+3119) 90
Set of 20 food allergens (set 3) 48
Maisto 23 alergenų rinkinys (paletė 3421) 46
Set of 41 food allergens (set 3420) 56
Maisto 50 alergeno rinkinys (paletė 3421+3420) 90
Set of 20 mixed allergens (set 1) 48
Set of 27 mixed allergens (set 3712) 46
Set of 42 mixed allergens (set 3716) 56
Set of 54 mixed allergens (set 3790) 67
Set of 61 mixed allergens (set 3111+3420) 90
Set of 61 mixed allergens (set 3110+3420) 90
ImuPro Screen (22 specific food IgG antibody tests) 140
ImuPro Basic (90 specific food IgG antibody tests) 390
ImuPro Complete (270 specific food IgG antibody tests) 499
GastroPanel (Helicobacter pylori IgG, Pepsinogen I, Pepsinogen II, Gastrin 17) 90
DAO (diamine oxidase activity determination) 57
ALEX2 makrogardelės mišrių alergenų rinkinys 295 198
ALLERGOINSECT (individual allergens: bee and wasp) 30
ALLERGOHOUSE (individual allergens: dust mites and mold) 35
ALLERGOPLANT (individual allergens: cattail, wormwood, birch) 35
ALLERGOBABY (individual allergens: egg, milk and wheat) 35
ALLERGOPET (individual allergens: cat and dog) 30
Food intolerance Allerg4y line 80 129

Name of the servicePrice €
NeoBona Basic (neinvazinis prenatalinis tyrimas iš motinos kraujo, nuo 10 nėšt. sav.) 450
NeoBona Advanced (neinvazinis prenatalinis tyrimas iš motinos kraujo, nuo 10 nėšt. sav.) 520
NeoBona Genome Wide (neinvazinis prenatalinis tyrimas iš motinos kraujo, nuo 10 nėšt. sav.) 620
Fetal RhD in combination with neoBona assay 170
Fetal RhD alone without NIPT assays 200
Non-invasive prenatal test NIPT, PANORAMA+22q11.2 DELETION 699
Non-invasive prenatal examination NIPT, PANORAMA+4 MICRO-DELETIONS 749


Viskas apie saulės vitaminą – vitaminą D

Vitaminas D neretai vadinamas saulės vitaminu, kadangi didžiausią vitamino D kiekį mūsų organizmas gauna tuomet, kai mes būname saulėje. Vitaminas D yra itin svarbus elementas mūsų imuninei sistemai, kaulų,

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